The Author as the Thinker

Photo by Richard Klíčník

Vilma Kadlečková


is a science fiction and fantasy writer. You can find more about her and her loose Argenite Legends cycle (whereof Mycelium is a part) on her web or facebook page

An interview (in Czech) about Mycelium, sci-fi litereture and other things on Studio 6 for Czech news station CT24.


Other participants:

graphical design Radomil Dojiva – logo Mycelium

artist Tomáš Kučerovský – cover art

Author thanks

I pay homage to all victims of the Össean fungi – to my kind and merciless beta-readers; without their support and suggestions this story would remain an information layer in the protonation rather than condensing into words on paper or display.

The following people helped me to get to the bottom of the mycelium: Karolina Francová, Sancha Fülle, Viktor Janiš, Ondřej Müller, Richard Podaný, Zdeněk Rampas. Thank you! And special thanks to my husband, Martin Klíma, for keeping cool for the eleven years while I kept writing this think in fits and starts.

Vilma K.

Argo publishing logo

My thanks also go to Argo publishing that took the manuscript on board.