He walks the dark paths.

Knocks on the doors others avoid.

Wrote the Invocation of the Void on the wall of his house.

Slow death moves through his veins.

A vial of poison is in his pocket.

The most important things happen unseen.

The planet Össe. A world without change for thousand years... and for thousand years intertwined with space. Össe is the home of mycelial technologies and faster-than-light Ships, the Earth cannot do without. But while the Earth civilization successfully expands into space, Össe stands behind.

Lucas Hildebrandt saw also the dark side of Össe: the fanatical faith and untouchable Church; the cult of space force; the steel monuments of the Insect god... and bloody religion that takes human sacrifices in His name. Lucas is no stranger to paralyzing force of trëighrü, invidiousness of the Quintet of the sacred drug, spores of intravenous fungi. He is no stranger to hate. He sees the Össean influence on Earth growing; and he looks in vain for a force that could challenge that.

Now, that could change.

Ash~shaad of Fomalhiwa, a man endowed with psychotronic abilities, is heading toward Earth. Fomalhiwa is a counterweight to Össe; and Lucas does everything in his power to turn the spotlight on Ash~shaad's homecoming.

However, as they say on Össe – the most important things happen unseen.

Invasion. Metamorphosis. Decision.

Akkütlix the Divine

wants your blood...

The Mycelium cycle was conceived some time after 9/11. The story takes place in the far future, but it is also a contemporary and valid metaphor of the clash of two different cultures.

Fifty years after the first contact with the ancient theocratic civilization of Össe, the Terrestrials are still vainly trying to come to terms with their mentality. The balance of powers is shifting. The Össean religious fanaticism stealthily infiltrates the terrestrial secular society, similar to our own; and it lacks the antitoxins against large ideologies and reacts either by xenophobia or by pathetic, ostentatious self-abasement and hypocritical multiculturalism. But religion is more than a political power. It is always present as a personal experience; and various characters in the novels attempt finding their own form of faith that would be an alternative to the institutionalized evil of the ideology. However the one who seeks God on his own is more than likely to end up with a debauched faith in miracles or uncritical acceptance of cheap esoterics.

Mycelium is a story of a man that trusts himself to be under no illusions. He scorns fanaticism. He relishes detachment. And indeed, is one of the few to discern the danger -- but he fails to realize that it's only because he himself was steeped in the world of Össe much too long. In the webs of Össean Church intrigues he fights his last desperate fight: not with Össeans, but with himself -- for the remnants of his human self.


is going to swallow you...

The Quintet of the sacred drugs. Five steps on the road to Enlightenment: the most splendid and the most terrible Össean gift to human planets. Gömershaül, in terronic The Opening, will crush the walls of sanity. Laëgühr, The Ice under the Skin, will focus the mind on a distant goal. Ökrë, The Fall into Darkness, will burn everything that was; and Yantrün, The Sight, will open the gate to the new world and reality. Finally, Räwë, The Voices and the Stars will speak directly to the soul –- and bind the chaos of doubts into one singular whole, the Cosmic Ring of the Perfect Presence.

Such is the Össean faith.

But than there are the others. People like Lucas Hildebrandt that understand what they are being asked to do, but never seem to be able to do it right. Instead of the Cosmic Ring of the Perfect Presence they keep saying the Comic Stink of the Putrid Essence; and instead of ascending to God they persistenly stagger in the opposite direction.

For them it is a living Hell. Or at least a fight for life.

Five steps of subjugation, dependence, madness.

The Quintet

of the sacred



The Quintet of books

The Mycelium cycle has five volumes -– interconnected novels with one continuous story. It is a monumental project and took the author twelve years to finish. Every novel has its own story arc, but it is also a part of the overarching plot. Each book is named after one member of the Össean Quintet of the Sacred Drugs:

The Opening (Gömeršaül)

Ice under the Skin (Laëgühr)

Fall into Darkness (Ökrë)

The Sight (Yantrün)

The Voices and the Stars (Räwë)

Layer of silence (Sühëhl)

Forbidden directions (Üewerögikalüx)

Apocalypse programming (Arügieni)

The first book was published by Argo in June 2013.

The second book was published by Argo in November 2013.

The Opening

Cover preview

Mycelium I.: The Opening

Author: Vilma Kadlečková

Publisher: Argo

Pages: 320

Published in: 2013

Cover Art: Tomáš Kučerovský

Logo and typograhy: Radomil Dojiva

What force can face Össe?

Lucas Hildebrandt knows the Össean culture too closely for his own liking: he literally has his own skin in the game. Since his childhood he took gömershaül – The Opening, a drug makes holes in your mind. He sees the Össean danger to Earth and seizes an opportunity to permanently tilt the balance of powers. He aims to bring a stranger to Earth -- Ash~shaad from Fomalhiwav, a human endowed with psychotronic abilities -- and to open the door to the forces that can be a counterweight for the Össean power.

Lucas can go past the official procedures; however the secret paths are dangerous. Soon he finds he is not alone in thinking that Fomalhiwav is important. He attracted the attentions of something worse than Earthly bureaucrats and mediants; he crossed paths with the ones he wanted to avoid most...


Ice under the Skin

Cover preview

Mycelium II.: Ice under the skin

Author: Vilma Kadlečková

Publisher: Argo

Pages: 317

Published in: 2013

Cover Art: Tomáš Kučerovský

Logo and typography: Radomil Dojiva

What do the Space Faring Ones dream about?

They were long time waiting and now Their time comes. The shared consciousness of the Ships turns to the Well of the planetary silence, to Ash~shaad of Fomalhiwav and Lucas Hildebrant, and chooses their victim. The Össean woman Kamëlë can feel Their intent and desperately tries to stop the inevitable. But when the infighting within the Össean Church starts in earnest, Kamëlë is entangled in larger plans. She does all she can to avoid the church Executioner, High Priests' tricks and her own past. Lucas Hildebrandt must not recognize her and the others must not kill her -- and the Fomalhiwavian must not be trusted. Kamëlë can feel an ulterior motive behind his media image of mighty hero and savior.

Laëgühr, Ice under the Skin, will focus her mind and eye.

What is the secret of Ash~shaad of Fomalhiwav? Is it something to do with the Ships?

What is between him -- and Them?!


Fall into Darkness

Cover preview

Mycelium III.: Fall into Darkness

Author: Vilma Kadlečková

Publisher: Argo

Pages: 424

Published in: 2014

Cover Art: Tomáš Kučerovský

Logo and typography: Radomil Dojiva

What on Earth do Gerdians want?

Gerdian Secret Service is focused on one man: the one chosen by the Ships. Intrigues and stealthy interplanetary operations are hidden, but all that was buried and never spoken about, all the past between Össe and Gerda suddenly comes to light: wrongs, violence, heroism, silence. Two worlds that lived in mutual hatred for ages fight the last battle for the key of the Ships; in the same moment Lucas Hildebrandt fights to the end behind the thin screen of his own mind -- for sanity, dignity, humanity. He faces dilemma and decision. Ökrë, the Third sacred drug can save him or destroy him; but in any case it will burn away everything that was. The past is over. The man with dark Gerdian soul, character and roots faces only an abyss – and Fall into Darkness.


The Sight

Cover preview

Mycelium IV.: The Sight

Author: Vilma Kadlečková

Publisher: Argo

Pages: 427

Published in: 2014

Cover Art: Tomáš Kučerovský

Logo and typography: Radomil Dojiva

Where is the joy in thy heart, where is the hope?

The hour of mourning is come.

When one of the Össean Ships emerges dead from the R-A space, Össeans perform the funeral rites -- and Humans are aghast. The people left behind in the Ship are to be sacrificed. The Össean mass requires blood and it's hard to persuade them otherwise.

Lucas Hildebrandt ignores the rescue attempts. He does not feel like an action hero: he is but a shadow of his former self, bereft of will, addicted to Össean drugs, burnt out. He doesn't expect anything from himself. But he can still discern the important stuff. He notices the effects of yantrün -– The Sight, the Fourth element of the Quintet. To Lucas the death of the Ship is a sign of more important changes to come and he asks the right questions.

What he avoids are -- the answers.


The Voices and the Stars

Cover preview

Fomalhiwav, the world of wonders and miracles. But also a Forbidden Direction.

What emerged from space will soon cut off all the Ships; and then the argenite homeland will be unknown and unknownable. A handful of humans have the last chance to visit it.

Lucas will realize that Fomalhiwav is the place where the centuries old plans of both Gerdians and Össeans intersect. Isn't it a good reason to avoid it? Lucas was always sceptical about anything that promises Nirvana, wealth or any other utopia. He can hear what Ash~shaad of Fomalhiwav talks about -- and what his is silent about. And his suspicion grows stronger. If Fomalhiwav is a paradise in space... why did it Ash~shaad leave at all?

But it is not just human words what he hears. There is also räwë – The Voices and the Stars, the durh of Enlightenment, the last of the Quintet of Össean fungi. And he has to make one last and final decision –- how big a part of his no longer altogether human soul can he sacrifice to madness.
